Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting Kids Outside: Recent Science adds Evidence on the Benefits

       The article published in the Austin American Statesman titled Getting Kids Outside: Recent Science adds Evidence on the Benefits specifies about how you hardly see children running around outside- being kids. It is very common now days to find kids gathered around the television, watching movies, playing video games or on the computer. The author expresses concern because not only can this cause obesity and diabetes, but there are even more dangerous health concerns to the recent shift to "climate- controlled comfort" including ADHD and different types of depression.
       The International Journal of Obesity specifically stated the hazard health problems that lead to obesity. Many think obesity comes from the lack of exercise, but it also forms when the body doesn't have to work to warm up or cool down which means it will burn fewer calories. Other Studies from different college institutions such as Peninsula College of Medicine accurately showed prove that playing and exploring outdoors produces a greater feeling of happiness, decreased tension, and confusion and of course more energized.
The author continues on to explain that natural lighting from the sun give our bodies vitamin D. Children are lacking vitamin D not because they aren't drinking their daily dosage of milk, but perhaps they aren't going outdoors daily. The author has expressed that being outdoors reduces attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
        We encourage our kids to be imaginative, explore and of course while doing so we want them to be safe. The habit we have is staying indoors assuming that it's either the most convenient and/or most safe to let our children do the exploring and such. Parents are busy and seem to not have time to take two-hour walks, hikes, trips to the park, etc. It's been a natural upbringing to introduce our kids- this young generation- to electronics to help amuse and entertain.
         The author of this article's main purpose is to focus the readers on the harmful effects that come with staying indoors in the climate controlled environment. This article consists of different techniques that introduce the outdoors to children by leaving windows open to be able to smell the fresh air to taking an hour out of our busy lives and going outside. I like the argument expressed because there are valid points and information that are taken into consideration when talking about this very sensitive issue. I highly agree with the author that we have the ability to stop/slow down child obesity.

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