Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stage 6 Blog Assignment

While reading my classmate’s article, “Unnatural Consumption”, I couldn’t help but to continuously nod my head in agreement with the facts and opinions she stated in her article. Being a young mother of a three year old, I try my best to make sure our family consumes organic foods and in efforts to maintain a healthy diet.  I have always felt a bit “iffy” about the chicken nuggets at McDonald’s and the lunches provided at our local elementary schools.  My question has always been:  What’s really in the meat?

 Christine does a great job of explaining what the “pink slime” is and how it’s processed.  It is quite upsetting that we allow this concoction of ingredients to be on the market without the appropriate labels. As a parent it is unacceptable to let our children indulge this product.

 I agree with Ms. Christine and believe that every meat product offered, not only to our children but to adults as well, should be clearly labeled with what hormones and chemicals are being put into it. It is only fair for us to know what really is in the “pink slime” and from there we can decide whether or not to buy it. I hope that one day Christine’s notion that we should take it one step further and actually make it illegal to process and sale the “pink slime” is possible.  In my opinion, the United States has always been the last to make a situation better in regards to the well-being of her citizens. We seem to be more worried about monetary issues rather than protecting our health.

As a whole, I completely agree with Ms. Christine’s stance on the “pink slime” issue.  My family’s health is the most important thing to me and therefore I want to always be educated in everything I do and give to them.  Being able to clearly and easily know what is in the food that we feed our children will not only make a parent’s life easier, but make our children’s lives as safe, happy, and healthy as possible.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Texas Should Ban all Cell Phone Use While Driving

              Austin is one of the cities that prohibit texting while driving. However, Texas State and Local Government should take it one step further and ban all cell phone use when driving any motor vehicle at all times.

              Distracted driving continues as a local hot issue in Texas. Cell phone use increases significant concerns about safety when driving. There has been countless crash and fatality data that prove cell phones are a contributing factor. Texas has banned all cellphone usage while driving in school zones, drivers younger than 18 and to bus drivers that have passengers 17 years and younger present. If it’s important not to be on the phone in school zones because of safety then it should be just as important, if not more, to be off of your cell phone when you’re driving 65+ MPH on the highway, on the busy feeder roads or in your local neighborhoods.

             In my opinion when this issue is brought up people forget about the safety concerns that are connected because they feel like they are being told what to do. However, if Texas passed a law prohibiting all cell phone use while driving then we would see a significant decrease in car accident and car related fatalities. We should be responsible for being 100% aware of our surroundings when operating a motor vehicle because it only takes driving 30 MPH to have a fatal accident.